<p>i posted this in the “what are my chances?” thread but no one really responded so i’ll post here :)</p>
<p>my gpa is 3.3/4…im working really hard to bring that up this year
my PSAT scores were 1700 but when i took a practice SAT i got 1350/1600
my ec’s are:
indian dance for about 7 years (and i wanna join the Bhangra team at BU)
piano for about 8 years
i just got a job at the pharmacy at Drug Fair, and i’ll work there for 9 hours a week
and i’m involved in a couple clubs in school</p>
<p>thanks a lot…BU is probably my number one choice…</p>
<p>You didn't specify which school within BU, which makes a big difference. If it's your first choice, then apply early decision and you'll definitely get in most of the schools. Otherwise, you have a good shot, but it's not a given.</p>
<p>okkk thanks!...well i want to major in biology or pre-med...</p>
<p>That'd be CAS--Assuming your SAT turns out as predicted and you raise your GPA slightly, you should get in.</p>
<p>kk thanks a lot!
i wanna get in BU, but im not so sure that i want to apply early...
ahhh so stressful lol
thanks for the help though!!</p>
<p>more opinions would be great!! :)</p>
<p>Decent chance in CAS, but don't count on it though. Try focus on the writing section of SAT. If you can get 610+ it would make your chance better.</p>
<p>Also, one big misconception is that Pre-Med is not a major -- it's only a track that anybody can follow in BU. The fact that you want to be bio major is a great start for pre-med track.</p>