Change in Naviance?

Just logged into Naviance - our HS uses it for all their students - and the format is totally changed and all information we’ve put in is gone (so lists of colleges, resume, etc etc etc ) lots of work went into that !!! Anybody have same experience?

Happened to us last week. Two days later it was back to the same old format and all of stored information was back in place. Not sure why it happened.

Ours changed to the new format and has stayed that way. All of the information transferred, so I hope yours comes back. The test scores page is a mess, all overlapped. Can’t read it, but my son knows his scores so no big deal.

Thanks - I’ll sit tight before checking with the school. Our HS went from semesters to tri-mesters and we can’t get an updated Transcript (March was last time). Applying for several things now and not sure the colleges believe us when we try to explain :frowning: I will be totally grey when then is all over !