changing from EA to RD

<p>I hoped to apply EA to Fordham. But, my parents didn't do the CSS Profile in time, so I couldn't apply EA. However, my guidance counselor already sent in my transcript and recs, and I already sent them my SAT scores. How do I let them know that I'm applying RD instead, even though I previously told them I was applying EA?</p>

<p>Just call the admissions office and they can do it for you. I did this for UNC-Chapel Hill and it was taken care of in under 30 seconds.</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure they can figure it out if they don’t get your stuff, anyway. But I also applied EA to Fordham, and from looking at their stuff it seems like the CSS Profile isn’t actually required early unless you want an early financial aid estimate. Did you send the other parts of your application? If so, I think you’re okay.</p>

<p>Whoa, do a lot of schools require CSS early? My guidance counselor told me to start doing the finaid stuff in January.</p>

<p>Can anyone confirm if Fordham REALLY needed the CSS profile by Nov. 1 if you wanted to apply early? If they don’t receive it, will they bump us to RD?</p>