Changing Major?

<p>How hard is it to change majors in purdue? If I cant decide between say engineering and business/management? Which college should I apply to? College of Engineering or Krannert School of Management? Thanks!</p>

<p>they actually have this new program which integrates engineering and business, if you're interested in doing both. another option that many people take is doing undergrad in engineering, then get their MBA. some others do engineering and minor in business management. so i'd say apply to engineering. I think it's fairly easy to change majors, i'm not entirely sure. but there are many opportunties to mix business and engineering if you major engineering.</p>

<p>any one else more positive on this issue? Thanks CK61188</p>

<p>Enroll in engineering. Many companies will pay for your MBA while you work. Some will even pay for you to pursue an MBA immediately after graduation, while working only summers at the company. </p>

<p>Besides, it's much easier to switch from engineering to management than vice versa. In fact, if you come across an Industrial Management graduate from Purdue, ask him if he started as an engineer, but was done in by the infamous Physics 152 course. The chances are high he will say, "Yes."</p>