Changing Majors at Cal Poly Pomona? (Undergrad, freshmen)

Hi! I’ve been thinking of choosing Cal Poly Pomona over my other schools: UCI/UCSD, but I applied as a BioTechnology major. My parents have been pushing me to switch over to Computer Science because they feel that in our current society, Computer Science will take me further. So anyways, I’ll be an upcoming freshmen and I was wondering how hard would it be to change majors? I’m not sure if my grades/stats will affect anything, but I’ll list them anyway. Thanks!

SAT: Math- 700
ACT: Math- 32
Unweighted High School G.P.A.: 3.78
Weighted: 4.40

Trying to switch from BioTech->Computer Science/Engineering

i think you should give it a shot! biotech is also an impacted major like CS. So i don’t think it’ll be a problem switching from biotech to CS