Changing my major

<p>So I'm a political science major who is an upcoming junior. I've taken some political science classes and history classes and I've taken a lot of pre-reqs. I'm transferring to a new university and I'm coming to the realization that I kind of want to be employed after I graduate. So I want to major in accounting now..I probably won't be able to graduate in 4 and half years or maybe even 5. I don't think it would that terrible but I have yet to meet my advisor in my new college. I'm not sure if she'll try to dissuade me from changing my major . I'm really having a breakdown right now.. not sure what I'm gonna do</p>

<p>What is it that you plan on doing after you graduate?</p>

<p>I was first planning to go to law school, but I’m quickly discovering that the market for lawyers sucks ass right now and for the force able future. I want a back up plan atleast and being a business man is something I want to be</p>

<p>Just get out of college as soon as possible.</p>