<p>I am a prospective student applying for Cornell CALS ED during the fall, and I have several questions regarding CALS admission.</p>
<p>1) If I apply for Cornell and get in, is Agriculture my "final" major?</p>
<p>2) What type of people is Agriculture looking for?</p>
<p>3) I am also interested in Biological Science and AEM; am I allowed to triple major (assuming some courses in Agriculture and Biological Science overlap)?</p>
<p>4) I have done some wheat research with one of the teachers at my school, as part of the I.B. Extended Essay (4000 word) requirement. Should I put my research question on my application, even though it is part of the curriculum?</p>
<p>Thank you so much for your time.</p>
<p>EDIT: Title should be "Characteristics CALS ARE looking for." Me ESL lah.</p>
<p>1) Definitely not. I'm pretty sure you don't even have to take a single ag class for certain majors.</p>
<p>3) No. You cannot even double major in CALS.</p>
<p>That's all I can really answer lol.
I'm more of a HumEc person :P</p>
<p>1.) No...your major will have nothing to do with agriculture...unless of course you choose to. Your major is the one you apply to.</p>
<p>3.) You can double major in CALS (Communications and AEM is a popular combo). You cannot double major outside of CALS.</p>
<p>Wait, can you double major in HumEc?
I was thinking of HBHS major, Spanish minor (for my outside HumEc credits)</p>
<p>You can double major within your college and you can do as many minors as you want outside of your college...so long as you meet the prereqs.</p>
<p>Sweet deal.
I can't wait for ED decisions to come, lol.</p>
<p>1) Agriculture is not your final major. It is really easy to switch schools at Cornell (unless you are trying to switch to Architecture or Hotel).</p>