<p>Okay, I find this a really interesting topic because it is so prevalent at my high school, which is very competitive. Of our top 10% GPA wise (who most will get into Ivies/equivalents), I would say that about 90% of them cheat, and it majorly affects their grades in a positive fashion. The valedictorian (soon to be) has cheated on many things, most of which involve researching AP answers and finding out information before taking tests. In addition, the other top 4 students have done this and more. For instance, one kid presses every kid after they take a test to find out all the information, and he chooses to sit next to the kids most intelligent in a given topic, and constantly copies the answers down from their papers. The weird thing is that NONE of them have been caught ever, and will likely still get into HYPS, etc. This really ****es me off because you really can not succeed in our school without cheating, and because these kids have never been caught before, the teachers never doubt for a second that they are always honest. For instance, if I cheated as much as they did, my gpa would likely be close high Ivy levels as well.</p>
<p>pretty similar. maybe not that bad though. Its definitely possible to succeed and be in the top 1 percent without cheating, but most will ask for answers after somebody took a test, look stuff up online etc. I doubt theyd copy during a test though, thats too risky</p>
<p>i think my school has the worst cheater in history
this girl who goes to my school is ranked 11 in our class and she is a cheerleader (one of those blonde ones that talks in that valley girl accent and just acts dumb; Has a fake ID , goes clubbing every weekend, drinks, smokes, whore, you name it she’s done it). She pretty much cheated her way up into the top 10 of our class (she skips every test/quiz date and gets like 4 extras days to study). Everyone (including the teachers) knows about her cheating and we’ve caught her several times (she’s even admitted to other people). She asks everyone in our class what was on the test/quizes so she can get a higher grade and studies accordingly. Bad thing is that I’'m 6 spots behind her and she’s applying to the same college as me</p>
<p>In my school, I don’t think that any of the ‘top’ kids cheat. It’s mainly the second tier that does it. I don’t see a point in cheating as since:</p>
<li> It’s immoral.</li>
<li> I would feel like **** all the time if I did.</li>
<li> I don’t need too.</li>
<p>Then again, only ten percent of kids go on to college in my school, and the popular thing is pretending not to care about grades… </p>
<p>So… the general apathy toward grades is pretty high… many won’t bother to cheat even if it meant failing the tests… Hell… some in the class I TA for don’t even bother to guess on the True or False questions… </p>
<p>Seeing how hyped up competitive schools are, isn’t it ironic? That’s why I like my ghettoish school… no pressure.</p>
<p>It’s a daily occurrence. I don’t let it bother me too much because I still destroy the cheaters’ grades whether they stole the final exam or not. If someone starts getting higher grades because he cheats regularly, then I have absolutely no problem with reporting him and resulting in his suspension/expulsion/failure of that class.</p>
<p>it has happened, it has happened.
except for us our school takes pride in the integrity and honesty of our students -bs- and boasts how smart our students are (hyps, one for each school for like the hundred in our grade so it’s ok matric) but everybody cheats. some teachers ignore it (then again, people who cheat on the tests here don’t actually cheat in the test time itself, and most of the cheating occurrences are on homework) while others report it (an entire three classes were reported for cheating when it didn’t actually violate the rules of cheating)</p>
<p>I understand that cheating is bad but how can some of you say you would be willing to rat out other students. If there is one thing you don’t do is rat on people because it will come full circle and bite you when you expect it least.</p>
<p>My physics class “cheats” on our homework in that we often look up answers on physicsforum or do google searches for printscreens of the webpage with the homework answers.</p>
<p>However, we kind of justify this in that homework is graded with the same weight as tests, which is really unfair in an AP Physics class that’s mostly problem solving. The web program our homework is on only gives you 5 chances, too, so you usually search for printscreens when you have 2 chances left.</p>
<p>The top 10 in my class is basically my physics class. Besides that, we don’t really cheat too much. The lower tier kids do more of that.</p>