Cheating is so widespread. A majority of the kids at my school cheat…whether is a great student or a student just trying to get by…After taking a test, people tell people who are taking it the following periods what the questions are. People look up the answer key and copy the answers for homework. If someone forgot to do their homework, they ask their friend to copy. I’ve been keeping blind eye on these types of cheating…Even though I hear about it every day, I reason that it’s none of my business.
But I’m so bothered by this type of cheating. There are links for tests going around. With careful digging, people can usually find the test questions and the answers to them. It’s shared with other people and all the sudden, all their friends know…I’m tired of the people that are doing this because they are either lazy or are smart and don’t want one test to ruin their perfect gpa. It bothers me that this especially happens in the AP and IB classes. We’re challenging ourselves by taking these classes. But is it worth it to lose your integrity over a stupid grade? The whole school mentality is messed up…if you don’t get your perfect grades, then you are screwed for life…
I try to tell them to stop (that they are cheating themselves from learning the content), but what I tell them goes through one ear and out the other for them. Here I am studying my butt off to try to get an A…and other people get the magical scores…
I want to tell an administrator so badly. It’s just every time I’m about to, I pause and think…I’m going to ruin their future. All their hopes and dreams could be crushed. I know…I’m cheating by not reporting these issues…but I can’t bring myself to report people (I can’t even bring myself to report anonymously)
Is anyone facing the same problem?