<p>lol. you guys are hilarious!</p>
<p>Are there any girls who are going? It seems like CC is a sausage fest sometimes.</p>
<p>I<code>d do the name-tags thing, except I don</code>t want to be the only loser wearing one, haha.
I can already imagine:
"haha lawl omg what the hell is that what`s a "fshe" omg lolol"</p>
<p>I<code>m a girl and I</code>m going :)
Sausage-fest? LOL!!</p>
<p>Lol maybe I'll walk around with an egg in my hand or something. I don't have any labels at home. o: And I'm glad I made you laugh, Fshe. :]</p>
<p>I'm a girl too lol.</p>
<p>Right here! :P I'll be there getting hyped for UC Davis (hopefully, lol). Deciding WHICH university to attend is really the hardest part >_></p>
<p>Just a suggestion but for those of you with Facebooks, add this event if you're going.</p>
<p>I am attending that event on facebook.</p>
<p>Ok I just joined the group.</p>
<p>Hmmm a lot of asians....</p>
<p>I'm Alyssa.</p>
<p>Hi Alyssa. I'm Wayne.</p>
<p>Hello Wayne. =]</p>
<p>Egg = Jessica. :]</p>
<p>Well I'm not attending the event but my name is Thomas lol</p>
<p>Lol hello Thomas. :] Why aren't you attending?</p>
<p>What's there to find out? I've already decided that I'm attending Davis, if anything the gathering would make me not want to go. Not that I don't like you people but that can be the only different outcome hehe</p>
<p>Well, in all honesty you don't really need to attend the event. I didn't attend Santa Barbara's Chancellor's Reception because I thought it would be pretty useless.</p>
<p>But now that Davis is one of my top choices, I'm gonna go ahead and attend this just to see what they tell us and what I can learn. Doesn't hurt to go, I suppose.</p>
<p>BTW, you can just call me Feez. ;)</p>
<p>Im with GlueEater on this one. All the information is most likely on the internet :</p>
<p>Have you all visited Davis, though? I haven't and Decision Day is probably the closest I'll get before I make my decision. My parents are against me going to Davis 'cause Irvine is closer. x: But I think I'd really like it at Davis, I don't know. I've been perusing the Daviswiki site thing to get more info, but there's nothing like the real thing, right?</p>
<p>Yeah, I would love to visit Davis. But I can't. I could have, if I could have only chosen a car before spring break me and my friends woulda been able to drive up there. But alas no.</p>
<p>I thought about the whole, closest thing I can get to Davis, but what's there to see if I've already decided. Dorms maybe?</p>
<p>Honestly not much I guess :P I'm already 100% certain i'll be going, so i'll leave the "wows" to orientation day :D</p>