check me out

<p>help me out guys!</p>

<p>African American Male</p>

<p>class rank: 18/ 435
w: 4.12
uw gpa: 3.4
sat: 1300 ( 640v 660m)</p>

1.English I AG A<br>
2.Freshman Seminar B<br>
3.Geometry AG A<br>
4.Biology AG B<br>
5.ELP (Economics, Law, Politics)AG A<br>
6.Health/PE A
7.Drafting I A
8.Spanish II C</p>

1.English II AG A
2.Algebra II/Trig. AG A
3.Health/PE A
4.World History AG A
5.Chemistry AG B
6.Arch. Drafting II B
7.Spanish III B
8.Sports Medicine I B</p>

<p>junior (current grade)
1.English III AP B<br>
2.Pre-Calculus HN B<br>
3.Physics ADV B
4.US History AP B
5.Sports Medicine II A
6.Spanish IV A
7.Arch. Drafting III B
8.Economics M&M AP B</p>

1.English IV AP
2.Calculus AB AP
3.Spanish V AP</p>

<p>the grades with my junior year are my first semester grades, people say that you're junior year is your hardest...I, of course, did not believe them...but I'm improving
those are not all of the classes that i plan to take during my senior year
my school works on an A-day/B-day block schedule so we take all eight classes are year long</p>

varsity tennis (soph, junior, and senior)
technology student association
junior class council
unity club (went on outward bound trip...came back and we started the unity club)
national society of black engineers (co-founder)
hosa-1st place in sports med. competition at regional level...state level is in april
athletic trainer for var. and jv soccer and men's track and var/jv tennis
Mu Alpha Theta- mathematics honor society</p>