Check out Independent learning at Madison!

My DD is a senior and got an email about independent learning classes. Well after I checked it out my head almost exploded that we didn’t know about this from freshman year on. You can take classes to meet you gen ed requirement (ie ethnic studies) online and have a year to complete the class and if your at 15 credits or less NO ADDED TUITION.

This is a way to “take a summer class” esentially online without PAYING TUITION!

It looks like you have to be enrolled already when you do this… Like you could add credits in Spring/Fall for free, but unless you are already taking summer classes you can’t. Am I mistaken?

^^That’s the way I’m reading it…if you don’t want to pay extra. You do have one full year from the date you sign up to finish the course though. So you could sign up spring semester (provided you are at 15 cr or less) and work the course over the summer at no extra cost. It does look like you could just sign up for a course over the summer, but then you have to pay the listed fees.

There’s the problem- you can only take a max of 15 credits. Adding the 3 credits would put you at 18 credits, hence the limit. It would work if a semester was planned for only 15 credits. Too bad one can’t do 16… Hopefully many UW students are maximizing there time instead of planning to graduate meeting bare minimum requirements.

You can take up to 18 credits a semester without an extra cost so if you are at 15 credits you can add 3 more in May and have a year to complete. My 2 daughters are doing this and are planning on having the coursework completed before september. I can not tell you how much ( 6 credits) more ahead my “senior” would have been had we know this early.

MY ADVISE TO FRESHMAN: PLEASE look at this there are some gen eds you need by graduation (ie ethnic) Consider adding this your first semester. At SOAR they really push kid )to stay at low credits both my daughters were advised to only take 12 which IMHO is nuts ( but you have to be realistic for example do not take Calc221/Chem103/Physics in the first semestr). The both took 15 and lived but they could have taken the ethnic requirement at the same time and have a year to complete and more importantly have a spot on their schedules for a different 3 credit class.

Two of my “senior” daughters friends were dumbfounded by this option nd could have graduated a semester sooner if they knew this was an option from the beginig not finding out their senior year.