Should I add another class? (freshman)

Just got back from SOAR today and built my schedule. I’m taking four classes that equal up to 13 credits. I’m taking English 100 for my comm a requirement, Math 117, a history class, and a genetics seminar for freshman only that is only one credit.

I’m thinking about picking up another class just because 13 doesn’t seem like a lot of credits AND my seminar is only one credit. I’m not sure what the college workload is going to be like, so I’m not sure if I should go in and add another class.

If I were to add another class, I was thinking about an Ethnic Studies class to get that requirement out of the way or a Social Science class.

Please help me decide if I should pick up another class or not! Thanks. :slight_smile:

You could try Anthropology 104 (for the Ethnic studies requirement).

Freshman year is a big adjustment. Be kind to yourself your first semester and take a lighter load. 12-14 credits is great! If all goes well, indulge in more credits your second semester. But start small…err on the side of caution. You need to protect your gpa.

I am inclined to think that it depends. Are you going into university with some AP credits already? How constrained are you in terms of finances (for example, could you afford to take a class or two over the summer if you fall a bit behind in credits)? How stressed out did you feel in high school and how does your incoming GPA and SAT/ACT scores compare with other incoming students? Do you know how much work a 1 credit seminar will be?

I probably would add one more, but I don’t have much confidence in this without having more information.

@DadTwoGirls I have three credits currently and am awaiting scores from four other AP tests. I definitely could not afford summer classes, so I want to do as much as I can during the year. High school was pretty easy up until senior year when I took AP Calc and AP Macro. It was all very manageable for me. My GPA was 3.93 and my ACT was 26. So, GPA a little above average and ACT a bit under. :slight_smile:

“High school was pretty easy up until senior year when I took AP Calc and AP Macro. It was all very manageable for me.”

Then I think that I probably would add one more.

So you have 3 classes, which are 4 credits each, and 1 which is 1 credit? You might add a 3 credit class, ethnic studies requirement might be a good one. There used to be a class on Sami culture which was fun, interesting and not too demanding, that might be one to look at. Also, in playing with your schedule, look at the final exam dates/times (available in the course listing) – if a proposed additional class created a tough exam schedule (say 3 exams in quick succession, then it might not worth it. Do you have an AP class in English that might place you out of Comm A requirement, once the scores come in?

There is a big adjustment 1st semester – living with a roommate, the independence and flexibility of your schedule. You could add a 3 credit class and then give it a week or so once classes begin and see how it feels – but don’t forget to go into MYUW to drop the class on time, if you decide not to stick with it!

I disagree with taking a very light load as a college freshman. The school accepted you figuring you are ready for it. Your classes are not at all difficult- they seem to be standard intro level ones- however those English and math classes are not usually needed by most UW students (they do well enough on the placement exams).

It is a lot easier to drop than add a course after classes start. Try to make the most of your UW education- not just minimums.

You must average 15 credits per semester to graduatee. Your 13 credits of classes plus 3 credits from AP = 16 credits. So arithmetically you are fine. With disparity of grades and ACT, I would be cautious about overextending myself. However, much of your courseload consists of classes that can be tested out of I think. You will have to judge things for yourself I think.