Cheerleading Scholarships?

<p>We have a daughter with pretty good grades (3.5-3.8 ish) who thinks she wants to study engineering. She's a cheerleader at a small private school that last year won the national something or other for private schools. I'm a nerdy professor mom who knows nothing about athletics. Can someone point me to some resources or threads where I can learn more about whether she could possibly get a scholarship for cheerleading? It seems like something that might be possible at one of those large Southern state schools -- but honestly I have no idea how/where to start looking. Thanks everybody!</p>

<p>From what I understand, cheerleading scholarships are very small…about $1000…even at southern schools. I guess that there are enough talented young ladies that WANT to cheer, that there isn’t much incentive to budget a lot for scholarships. </p>

<p>However, if your D’s stats are good enough (what are her test scores?), there are southern schools that would give her lots of money for stats…including money for engineering.</p>

<p>There are some Cheerleading Posts in the Athletic Recruiting section here on CC. You may want to check them out.</p>

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<p>If you search that forum for cheerleading I think some others will come up as well.</p>

<p>If you are interested in much smaller schools, the NAIA recognizes cheerleading as a sport. A friend of mine’s d was offered a 12k cheer scholarship from one such school for fall '12.</p>