<p>I am sorta confused here...For premed requirements, I am not sure which courses are the ones I need to take. Specifically, I am confused at the chem course numberings. I know I need 2 semesters of general chem and 2 semester of organic chem. Normally, colleges that I have seen just label the courses General Chemistry 1 and 2 and Organic Chemistry 1 and 2. </p>
<p>However, Michigan does some weird thing, and the LSA course guide descriptions are horrible. There is 130, with 125 and 126 (2 lab courses for one course???), which is described as Gen Chem 1. Then there is 210, which they describe as "CHEM 210 is the first course in a two-term sequence in which the major concepts of chemistry are introduced in the context of organic chemistry," which makes it sound as Organic Chem 1. Then there 211, that is the lab for organic, then 216 sounds like organic also. </p>
<p>BASICALLY, can someone just tell me what is Gen Chem 1/2 and Organic Chem 1/2 (with their respective labs). Thanks!</p>