Chem 130 Textbook

Hi everyone! I’ve been searching for the textbook for my Chem 130 class. On Ctools, it the book is listed as “General Chemistry w/OWL V2 Access, Author: Ebbing/Gammon, Publisher: Cengage Learning” and with an ISBN of 9781305046351.

This ISBN is for a UM-specific package that is roughly $200, which is way too much.

I was able to locate the OWL access on Barnes and Noble for $35:

However, I’m not sure which textbook is the one I need for class. Searching “Gen Chem Ebbing/Gammon 9th edition” on Amazon pulls up a bunch of different options. If anyone could confirm for me which book is the correct option, I’d really appreciate it!!


Call the Chem department and ask.

Sad to see this scheme is still going on many year later. I would definitely NOT buy the UM specific version. It’s the same as the regular Ebbing textbook except it has some chapters missing. Not sure if you actually need OWL access, they should tell you on the first day. Best thing to do would be to wait and see what you actually need on the first day of class. You should be able to get away with buying the regular textbook.

Hi everyone! I took Chem 130 last semester and you definitely do need the OWL access code. That is how you do all of your homework!!