Chem 2070 prelim

<p>What did everyone think? What do you think the mean will be?</p>

<p>Hard, and low. What did you think?</p>

<p>the atmosphere after that exam finished was hilarious. everyone just started laughing and looking totally bewildered!</p>

<p>Very hard and actually unfair. Loring’s test was challenging but was a fair assessment of the material. This test wasn’t. I’d say a mean in the 50’s, percent that is.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t be surprised. It was so much harder than last year’s prelim 2.</p>

<p>ya, much harder. I never thought I’d see people crying after exams.</p>

<p>^people were crying? that is illogical. if it’s on a curve and everyone is like “omg!” then there’s nothing to worry about unless you like forgot what a Lewis structure is…</p>

<p>Exactly. But many people are irrational. They’re taking a test and all they know is that they did horribly.</p>

<p>I still have a bunch of lab write ups for that class…so…if you want 'em…</p>

<p>lol what do you think the atmosphere after the Math 1910 prelim where the mean was a 36?</p>

<p>there I did see people crying.</p>

<p>I’m really confused. I’m in Chem 2090 (engineering chem) and I thought your prelim 1 was harder than our prelim. However, our mean grade was like a 49 while yours was 69. I thought our prelim 2 was fairly easy, but we’ll have to compare the means again.</p>

<p>^sure, a comparison would be in order.</p>

<p>based on the chatter I’ve heard, that much of the trouble is that the stuff focused on in lecture, recitation, and homework was not even on the exam. a lot of the questions were like the tiny little details that never seemed important before. plus, based on the past, this exam was “supposed” to be one with a high average. just look at that old prelim that was online!
(but really, the lesson is to learn everything, and none of it is detail!)</p>

<p>The mean was as bad as I expected</p>



<p>Holy crap? It must have felt horrible for everyone to do so poorly on what was probably their first prelim at Cornell…</p>

<p>people crieD?! even last yr people during hard chem exams people dind’t cry. they just walked in to the exam, and walked out after seeing the test</p>

<p>you are graded on curve. doesn’t matter if its hard</p>

<p>lol oh chem207. I don’t remember people crying after the exam, but I do remember people crying after getting the exam BACK. </p>

<p>oh freshman year lol.</p>

<p>in the long run youll find hard tests are a blessing in disguise. in orgo the averages are usually ~50 with sd. 10-15. get a 70 and you’ve got a very solid A; 65 even. contrast this with stats. when i took it the first prelim the average was a 90. you need to be perfect to get an A, and for a person like me who tends to make stupid mistakes in haste, that is no good.</p>

<p>Reading this makes me… nervous…
What are “prelims”? Just normal tests or like midterms?</p>

<p>They’re like midterms. Generally you’ll have between one and three of them throughout the semester before finals for each class. </p>


I would have to agree. Careless mistakes get amplified on easy tests. Graders seem to give generous partial credit for “getting the idea” on harder tests. Of course, knowing how to solve problems is the hard part, but it’s the more important than just being careful not to make minor errors.</p>

<p>Low means are probably a good thing. My tests in med school are much much harder than anything I had to take at Cornell but the means do not drop below the low 80’s (probably because the average student had a 3.8 college GPA).</p>