Chem 3AL and Math 1B for summer

<p>I'm planning on taking Chem 3AL over the summer (I'm currently taking 3A for spring), and I was wondering-- would it be too much of a load to take math 1b for the summer as well? Lab does take a long time, but it's only 2 units. I understand Math 1B does have a reputation of being a difficult course, so I'd like to know how stressful it would be to take them together.</p>

<p>Thank you in advance =)!</p>

<p>You’ll definitely be busy because Chem 3al and other labs hold 2 labs a week during the summer. However, math 1b during the summer is significantly easier because the instructors are often grad students (and therefore write tests that are more like straightforward, pull and chug questions than theoretical nonsense). I’d say your plan is perfectly doable because Pedersen teaches Chem 3al in the summer and that class is an easy A-.</p>

<p>I took math 1b and chem 3a/l last semester with 3 other courses and the workload was manageable because Pedersen’s lab class makes room for error and does not demand perfection. I overslept one my lab on Halloween and got a 0 for that lab and still came out with an A. Best of luck!</p>

<p>Math 1b sidenote- I never took BC calculus in high school and I found math 1b to be more difficult than chem 3a, but still doable (got an A-). The only reason why math 1b has the reputation it does is because 1. the curve can make or break your grade because of the big range of talent and 2. the professors are often horrible lecturers and speak in riddles about simple subjects. I say do the HW and hit up the Student Learning Center if you need help and you’ll have it made. A lot of people don’t do enough practice problems or don’t seek out help and this is why math 1b may seem difficult.</p>

<p>However, my claims all rely on the assumption that you are comfortable with learning math at a decent pace. The pace is usually something like 2 subjects a week during the summer, but the instructors compensate for this by making exams more straightforward.</p>