Chem Class Question

<p>Let's say you're fresh out of AP chem.
Would you be ready to take orgo or physical chemistry? </p>

<p>I'm thinking I would want to retake intro chem anyway...</p>

<p>I never took any AP science courses (my high school never offers any), but I plan on NOT accepting any AP credit when I matriculate at a top liberal arts college next autumn. I am not too sure if AP is up to par when it comes to the curriculum of top schools.</p>

<p>In my opinion regarding the sciences–if you are going to be a science major, do not take the AP credits in place of the Introductory lab courses. You should take the introductory lab courses and follow the recommended sequence.</p>

<p>AP credits should be used towards general ed. requirements.</p>

<p>Do not skip the intro lab courses unless you have had adequate prior lab experience in AP. Knowing the AP curriculum and its neglect of lab techniques, chances are you haven’t been exposed to those lab techniques before.</p>

<p>My college gen chem class was much harder and went through a lot more material than AP chem. Don’t skip it.</p>

<p>it depends on your college. chances are you would be fine in orgo, but you should make sure with profs first.</p>

<p>personally i would have been fine not retaking half of intro chem before taking orgo, but hey.</p>

<p>Orgo you’re fine…don’t take pchem</p>

<p>it really depends on your major and how much flexibility you have with your schedule. if you’re premed you’d be crazy to skip gen chem…it’d more than likely be an easy class for you.</p>

<p>It depends on how well you feel the class prepared you. I took AP chem my junior year of high school and ap bio senior year. I skipped gen chem and went straight to orgo my freshman year and felt prepared. But i’m planning on taking intro bio because i didn’t think my ap class was that good (even though i got a 5 on the ap test). but i disagree about taking it just so you have an easy class–more advanced classes are more interesting and it opens up your schedule later if you skip out of the intro class.
(btw i’m a likely chem major, premed)</p>

<p>Skip Gen Chem, don’t waste your time.</p>

<p>Where are you going to college? If it’s a top school or one with a rigorous chem program, don’t skip gen chem. You might not even be allowed to skip gen chem if you go to a school like mine. I entered college thinking I wanted to be a chem major and was happy to take the intro sequence again. It gives you an idea of what the department finds important, might be tougher and might teach stuff you never went over in high school. One thing to consider about orgo is that a the course is full of sophomore chem majors and junior premeds. As a freshman you might want a little more adjusting time before being stuck in a class with highly motivated upper classmen.</p>

<p>You always have the option of starting with the second intro chem course.</p>

<p>If you’re a chem major you may want to retake it, but if your pre-med, biology, or some other program that only requires you to take gen and o chem I’d take the credit. I got a 5 on the chem AP test and I just finished my first semester of honors o chem and I got an A. You hardly use any gen chem concepts. If you need two years of college chem for med school just take biochem.</p>

<p>One thing of note for premed students, although some med schools will take AP Chem credit, many of them require that an applicant take another more advanced college chemistry with lab in addition to the AP Chem credit. If you feel like you won’t be able to satisfy that requirement, then taking an intro gen chem might be a better option. And orgo with lab can’t be substituted, neither could 1 semester of biochem.</p>

<p>My college requires everyone to take the general chem class before any other chem classes regardless of background in high school. The lecture was pretty much a repeat of AP chem, but I gained a lot more lab skills than I did in AP chem.</p>


Actually, good advice would be the total opposite. If you’re a chem major, it would be beneficial to skip (if you think you can handle orgo, and most students would probably overestimate their abilities) so that you have the opportunity to take more upper divs later on. If you’re premed/predent, etc. I’d recommend not using the AP credit.</p>