Chem courses

<p>What is the level of difficulty between Chemistry 11(Introductory Chem) and Chemistry 15(Fundamental Principles of chemistry). Chem 11 is taught by Sandra L Burketl and Joesph N Kuschick. Chem 15 is taught by Marshall. Any comments on these Professors. I am an incoming Freshman trying to decide between the various levels.</p>

<p>Chem 15 is a much more quantitative class with a substantial background in calculus and general aptitude for math required. Prof. Kushick loves teaching the class and wants to make his students learn but demands a lot from them. Some complain that he is arrogant and tries to trick students in exams but he is very nice if you go and talk to him in office hours. Chem 15 is generally a smaller (cliquish) class as well. I have no experience with Prof. Marshall.</p>

<p>Chem is for wimps, take physics. (81 and up is an A in orgo?! psch)</p>

<p>-courtesy of an Amherst physics major</p>