<p>So from what i've heard, it's a lot easier to transfer within a college than to transfer between colleges. I was accepted to Chemical Engineering but I don't exactly have my heart set on it. Should I decide that it's not what I want to do, is it easy to transfer to a different engineering discipline? how about if i wanted to transfer to another science major in LAS? Would either transfer be considered intra-college?</p>
<p>I have too heard it’s easier to transfer within a college. Yes you can transfer from college to college with your counselors help.</p>
<p>Generally, it is hard to transfer from any college into the college of engineering. However, despite the fact that ChemE is not in CoE, but in LAS, from what I have heard, it is pretty much treated as an Engineering major by the CoE, there is just more paperwork involved than if you had gone from EE to ME or something instead of ChemE to ME.</p>
<p>Transfering from Chem E to other engineering major is not difficult as long as grades are OK (and that applies for transfering from any engineering major to another engineering major). They don’t use the intercollege transfer requirements for that. You can also fairly easily transfer to another science in LAS or engineering. Yes Chem E is in LAS but it is really treated as part of engineering. By the way, Physics is in the engineering college but you get an LAS degree; so if you thought of transfering to physics you actually would be transfering to the engineering college.</p>