Chem grade

im currently a college freshman and struggling with gen chem 1. Im planning on going to dental school. Anyway, I took my first exam and scored a 58%… recently took my second and score a 65%. Its not like im not studying because I do go to tutoring and work my ass off but I just dont know what im doing wrong. Has anyone been in the same position as me? Any advice?

Do you know if there is a curve in the class or if your grades are considerably worse than average for the class? When I was in college, I had several friends who were engineers and it wasn’t at all uncommon for them to score below 65% on tests. Once the curve kicked in however, their grades were decent.

In my chem class, there is no curve.

I still have a B in the class because of homework and recitation but im only a point away from a C so I would like to keep my grade at a level where im not worried about it changing

You need to go to your professor and/or TA’s office hours. Show them your work and ask for help.