Chemical Biology

<p>Wait, I thought my major is called "Chemical Biology". But there's only one course called "Chemical Biology" in the curriculum......well, I wonder what are the rest of Chemical Biology courses offer to.....</p>

<p>Aren't there a lot of courses tiltled "Chemical Biology"?
Why is only Chemical Biology 135 is required in the upper division classes?
Are the other courses for non-major or what? Cuz I just feel hilarious.....</p>

<p>There aren’t any other courses titled “chemical biology”. Chem bio (as its name implies) is an interdisciplinary field based in chemistry, so you take most of the courses that chemistry majors take, with some minor differences that have more of a bio slant. And then you have courses like Bio 1A, 1AL and MCB 110, which straight-up chemistry majors don’t have to take.</p>

<p>Right, there aren’t very many chemical biology specific courses. Essentially it’s a chemistry major minus some of the more technical chemistry courses and more molecular biology courses.</p>

<p>A lot of my chembio friends really like it because while there are a lot of chemistry requirements, there is also a lot of room to take free biology or bioengineering electives during the junior and senior years. Also, the math and physics requirements allow you to access the more quantitative aspects of biology that MCB, IB, and CNR biology majors generally overlook.</p>

<p>also, Physics 8 is way better than Physics 7.</p>