How competitive is ChemE at UC Berkeley? I know that UCB College of Engineering considers major choice when deciding, meaning that the popularity of a major can have an impact. Is this the case for the College of Chemistry? Also, will the fact that ChemE is insanely difficult influence their decision if my GPA isn’t super super high?(It’s around 4.24) Thank you!
I also would like to know if Chemical Engineering is a popular major.
ChemE is in the college of chemistry, probably in the middle between College of Engineering and College of Letters and Sciences in terms of selectivity.
Ok. Also, how popular is the major?
Due to Berkeley’s #1 rank in ChemE, probably very popular in terms of applicants. However, the CoC itself is very small, so the # of ChemE majors enrolled should be relatively small.
I think Caltech is number 1 for chemE