chemistry 20B & 20L

<p>basically, B is a course, and L is lab right?
as a chemical engineering major, should i take them separately or together in winter quarter?
(in catalog, it is listed as i take them separately, but in counselor's paper, it says i take them together in one quarter)</p>


<p>Take them together.</p>

<p>Any recommendation on which professor?</p>

<p>Walsh or Pang?</p>

<p>because bruinwalk didn't have any info on walsh.</p>

<p>take together.
take whoever you want. if your good enuff, the professor wont matter</p>

<p>professor matters a lot in some classes… like for my 20L class i had Gould and the class was very easy yet i learned everything i needed, my roommate had Pang and he had to study a lot harder than me because Pang is harder to understand and gives harder tests… like i didn’t study for my tests and i got an A while my roommate who is smarter than me studied hard and got a B+</p>

<p>just work hard, learn the way they test and have problems and you should be okay. In retrospect, I had not learned how to really study at that point in my career here at UCLA. (30A-B, 30AL, were much easier once i figured myself out).</p>

<p>i gota take this crap too… sigh</p>