Chemistry course needed?

<p>If I am thinking about majoring in Psychology (BS), would I need to take Chemistry 103-104 or should I focus on my Biology courses?</p>

<p>I am absolutely no help, but I have the exact same problem, ha.</p>

<p>Yep. And I already went to SOAR and registered for classes. Of course I can change them, however Chem 103 is totally screwing my whole schedule because of the three hour labs. lol So I want to know if I even need to take the course, or if I should start taking other science courses</p>

<p>Ha, same here! There was pretty much no way I could fit it in my schedule with the other classes I wanted to take. I took the AP Bio test too and got a 5, so I don’t know how that affects it either.</p>

<p>Chem isn’t in the requirements for a psych major. It may be beneficial if there are other science classes you want to take, however. I did not take chem (I’m a psych major) freshman year and I don’t see myself needing to. I do know you need 2 semesters of intro biology or zoology. AP Bio may cover it or at least a semester - email the department though because I don’t know. The bio requirements are the only things required that aren’t in the department.</p>

<p>Here, click this link <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; and then go to advising and Psychology Major Checklist (the requirements are down for some reason and it’s a Word document).</p>

<p>You could also run a dars report from your student center. It will show you everything required to earn whichever degree you pick.</p>

<p>Thanks RoxSox. Do you recommend Intro to Philosophy?</p>