Chemistry SAT 2?

I took regular Chemistry already and did very well in the class but this was a year ago.
I took a diagnostic SATII Chemistry test and received 630, albeit it was Barron’s.
After the diagnostic, I worked through the Barron’s book but have some trouble grasping Hybridization.
Could someone please explain this to me?

Any tips in terms of memorizing molecular structures or anything else?

Also, is Princeton Review more like the actual test?
I have both books.

Thank you

Do the official online practice. It’s rudimentary, nothing like Khan, but the questions are exactly like what’s on the test.

For reference, I got a 4 on Chem AP, and a few days later with no additional studying, got a 700 on the Chem SAT.

My chemistry AP teacher taught us nothingall year. Just handouts and worksheets. I learned everything I needed for a 4 from the book “Crash Course AP Chemistry” by Adrian Dingle.