<p>I know there's a sushi bar in the UC. but where do I get chinese takeout food around the campus? ,____,</p>
<p>Down in Newell-Simon Hall there's a place that has Chinese food and a place that makes sandwiches/wraps and pizza. You can get there by the skywalk from the fourth floor of Wean. The pizza place also has some breakfast snacks (cookies, coffee, donuts, muffins) and is open for lunch, but neither of them are open for dinner.</p>
<p>Asiana is down in Newell-Simon Hall, but they aren’t open very long.
<p>I would say avoid Asiana at all costs. It doesnt taste very good AT ALL and I have heard numerous stories of people who got food poisoning from it. Oriental Express is ok but not great, The New Dumpling House and Rose Tea Cafe (or something like that, I forget the name exactly) in Squirel Hill are way better. The places on campusfood.com that deliver to CMU are in general pretty good too. Also, the sushi in the UC is crap, though generally wont kill you.</p>
<p>Oh, there is a Korean market on Fifth near Craig street that seems to have alot of authentic stuff.</p>
<p>Take out?? Why don’t you just go on campusfood.com and order there? And go to Asiana if you like the food from LuLu’s Noodles in Oakland. It’s owned by the same people. Its better than the stuff from that wok place in the upstairs UC. If you want more authentic stuff I’d do what KnowerOfStuff suggests though. Rose Tea Cafe is especially a favorite of mine… and I found chinese baked goods in a Chinese store in the Strip District :)</p>
<p>I basically lived off of deliveries from campusfood.com . Chopsticks is probably the best value/quality I have found for American Chinese delivery. For the good **** I highly recommend Sushi Kim($), Korean Garden($), and Oishii Bento.</p>