<p>wow, a lot of deep selections of books coming out.</p>
<p>anyone wants to find something easier to read, while improving english?
c.s.lewis series "chronicle of...."
starwars novel series, i didn't read that myself, but from the movie i realized it will be some book that can be helpful.</p>
<p>try to start to read more 武侠,《绝代双骄》。 but too lazy to do so,
武侠小说似乎构思都很接近,in the beginning chapters of many popular "chinese western" novels,it's always like 武林的一场浩劫又到来了,then the main charater mastered绝世武功 and met 绝世美女,after dominating 武林大会,the main character decides to leave and be with 绝世美女 happily ever after</p>
<p>however, indeed Mr.金庸 is good at using his pen to write gorgeous stuff.....妙笔生花。。。。。。
like when 虚竹(the fake bamboo) was at the underground ice storage room of a palace....
or when 伊志平 saw little dragon girl(小龙女)had her acupoint tabbed, and !@@$$^*$#@......</p>
<p>嘿嘿黑。。。 anyone wants to discuss his books, please say whatever you want</p>
<p>forgot to mention that i watched 《刑警本色》last week. unbelievably 周星驰is in it playing a cop...... the movie is made in late 80's when steven chow wasn't a superstar. 甄子丹was the leading character....... interesting movie, when i say "interesting" i mean it's something not everyone would like....... as a cop movie, steven chow already showed his potential as a comedian.....</p>
<p>if you are a faithful 周星驰 fan, you have to get this movie even it appears to be 土 or teeth dropping。</p>
<p>water dump intermission.
Harry Bauld's book described his working experience at brown admssion.
and his experience as a english teacher specifically direct students' essay composition at a high profile north eastern prep school.....
the book was published mid 80's and his brown work was actually in 70's when ivy admission was much easier compare to now.
the book features many scenarios in which admission decision were made</p>
<p>this is the first answer to "who do we have to save, our wife or our mother if they fell into water?
<p>this is the second answer, every answer seems reasonable