CHM 3217 vs. CHM 2210

I am a biomedical engineering major who next year has to take one of these two classes. I am currently in CHM 2096 (Chem II for Engineers). Given chemistry is my least favorite of the sciences, which one would you recommend that I take? If I take one, I will probably take the class that comes right after it. And if I do take 2210 and 2211, could/should I still take 3217?

I would talk with one of the bio-medical engineering advisers. I’m assuming you’re not yet in the program? Last time I looked into it, it was a limited access program with very competitive standards for admission as a junior (very different from the other engineering programs).

If that’s the case, find out from an adviser which would be “better” from a competitive standpoint. What would the program like to see you take?

If you’re already in the program, congrats! Then take into account your post BS-BE plans. As you know, a BS in Bio-medical engineering is not a terminal degree, you really need a Masters to be competitive in the market place, or have plans to go to med school, law school, etc. If, for example you plan on going to law school, then take the easiest path since Chem will not play much of a role in your career.

Good Luck!