
<p>HEY GUYS!!!
Not all of you know me but everyone who was on this summer knows me a the gurl who was wayyyy to excited to go to choate..well i know u all were wondering how im doing....I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!thats basically all i can say... Fall term was amazing and i made so many friends...i have a single so no roommate problems(unlike ausie lol:P) but yeah its a truly amazing school...we just has Deerfield day which was a blast(lets just say we beat their a**es lol i have thanksgiving break next weekend so thats funn...but anyway if anyone has any questions about the school pm!!! ill be more than happy to answer them</p>


dont go to deerfield...or kent ausie is there lol</p>

<p>GO CLASS OF 2012!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>i love Choate too and im applying to it…! im having phone interview with Choate soon… =.=</p>

Ur so funny!
Thats so funny!
Im in the student center just now and I was complaining about my roommate to one of my friends!
Everyone come to Kent!
We can have lots and lots of fun. Wink Wink

<p>I want to go to Choate! So bad, I think I’d cry from joy if I got in.</p>

<p>I sound like a rabid fangirl, haha.</p>

<p>im with bball!! choate 2012!</p>

<p>I’ll never understand why Deerfield and Choate students feel the need to kick the s**t out of each other every time they have a chance to post about their respective schools online. bballprep, maybe you can explain to me why your school feels the need to convince themselves that they’re better than Deerfield, or any school for that matter.</p>

<p>This rivalry appears to go beyond the boundaries of traditional high school rivalries such as the one between Phillips Academy Andover and Phillips Exeter Academy. They’re hardcore competitors, but at least they maintain their composure and remember that when it comes down to it, they’re all just kids who go to prestigious boarding schools. It seems to me that when it comes to Choate and Deerfield, however, all you want to do is insult each other with the genuine intent of annoying or hurting each other.</p>


<p>exeter and andover…wow they act exactly the same way as choate and deerfield. you should of heard this girl from exeter. shes hilarious. i was aiming her and i typed in “A/E” and she was, like, “no no no no no” You should type it like this “E/a” because Exeters the best and we need to be first. we’re no second to andover, we pone them and we’re definitely better. i love the rivalry, it makes the schools even more interesting</p>



<p>how do you have a phone interview? i thought alum interviews were required for all TSAO schools.</p>

<p>tom, i highly doubt it’s like that. it’s just a “friendly” rivalry thing where you have pride for YOUR school and not THAT school. choaties might say things like oh i hateeeee deerfield they’re such sucky players. but in real life they might be dating a guy from deerfield or hang out with their deerfield friends after sports competitions, etcs.</p>


<p>hey…dont give me wrong deerfield is a GREAT school…one of the best in the country…and choaties just have a lotttttt of school spirit, pride…so again its just a friendly riverly mostly in sports…most of the pple at choate looked at deerfield but just felt more at home at choate…</p>

<p>again any questions…
Class of 2012</p>

<p>btw all my cc pals i made v squad bball here at choate…im back home for vaca…HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!