Choosing a college at USC: how does it work?


<p>When applying to USC, do you have to choose which college you want to go to in the application? I want to go into Annenberg or USC College -- if I choose USC College on the app can I still switch into Annenberg if I'm admitted? Is applying to each college different?</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>When you indicate your major on your application, you are already “choosing” the college you are applying to, because different majors are located in different colleges. Since some majors are more popular (engineering, maybe?) or are located in a more prestigious college (USC’s School of Cinematic Arts is the best of its kind in the nation), they will be more competitive to get into. Certain majors have supplemental requirements, which you can check here [USC</a> Admission - Additional Requirements](<a href=“]USC”></p>

<p>When evaluating your application, USC considers you for your first choice major - if you are rejected from that, then they consider you for your second choice. If you are rejected from all your choices, you are automatically considered as an “undeclared” major for the College of Letters, Arts and Sciences.</p>

<p>I’m not sure how difficult it is to switch majors/colleges once you have been admitted, but it’s definitely achievable. Moreover, most college students don’t officially declare their major until their junior year.</p>

<p>If you are accepted to CLAS (College of Letters, Arts and Sciences), you can switch majors within that school. If you want to switch to Annenberg (or most other schools), you will need to submit an application and get accepted by that school.</p>

<p>For example, here is the info to apply to Annenberg if you are already a USC student.
[USC</a> Annenberg | Information for Non-Annenberg USC Students](<a href=“]USC”></p>

<p>Annenberg can be tricky; it really depends on the major you’re applying to. The switch to the School of Communication is fairly easy and simple, as long as you do it before sophomore year so that you can complete all the requirements on time. If you want to switch into the School of Journalism (Broadcast, Print, or PR), you must meet with an Annenberg advisor, then fill out a supplemental application to get accepted by the school. In addition, you should switch sooner than later so that your core courses aren’t delayed and all your electives get squished at the end. If you’re thinking about doing something in the School of Journalism, I recommend applying to it now and sending in the supplemental Letter of Intention, rather than later.</p>

<p>I keep reading about the gradations of difficulty in getting accepted to Annenberg. The consensus seems to be that COMM is a lot less competitive than JOUR. How do they close the loophole of people transferring into COMM as freshmen, then “migrating” to JOUR, PR, etc. once they are inside Annenberg and supposedly not subject to the same level of scrutiny? It is too obvious an idea for someone not to have tried to game the system by now.</p>

<p>From my understanding, that loophole really has not closed and there still exists the (somewhat true) word around campus that it’s easier to transfer into Annenberg once you’re at USC.</p>