Choosing a Journalism School in Ohio?

<p>I am a senior in high school with a 4.0 GPA, a 31 on the ACT, and a 2020 on the SAT. I'm looking to major in journism and minor in musical theatre. I also want to stay in-state (I live in Ohio). Here are the four schools I'm looking at: </p>

<p>Bowling Green State University: I'm just concerned about the party school reputation. </p>

<p>Ohio University: Again, I liked this school, but I'm concerned about the party school reputation.</p>

<p>Miami University: I haven't heard much about the journalism school here. Also, I'm not familiar with the campus. </p>

<p>University of Cincinnati: Do they offer a minor in musical theatre? I'm also not familiar with this campus either.</p>

<p>Any advice or opinions would be greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>Can’t tell you much, except that the University of Cincinnati does not have a minor in MT. Miami is starting an MT minor this year (auditioning fall 2012), however it may not be open to those outside of theatre…yet. Looks like OU does have a theatre minor…</p>

<p>Generally speaking, an actual minor in musical theatre is a hard thing to find. What you may be able to find are active student theatre opportunities, where you can keep working on your craft and performing. Dance minors are more widely available, and many students choose to take voice lessons or perform in college or community choirs or theatre.</p>

<p>Are you looking to stay in Ohio for in-state tuition? I am assuming the journalism is the more important feature for you. </p>

<p>Sorry I can’t give much help regarding the strength of the journalism departments at these schools…but with some research (a good journalistic skill!) I am sure you can come up with more information to help you decide!</p>

<p>I live in Virginia, but my favorite teacher who<code>s sort of like my mentor, went to Ohio U and is encouraging me to apply. He said the J school is great, and said that it definitely has the parties, but there</code>s a large group of students who don<code>t party and just get their work done…so I really think it</code>s a “What you choose” type of deal.</p>

<p>Ohio U is defintitely a good journalism school. All college campuses have parties! OU does have a reputation for parties - but you don’t have to go! Miami is a beautiful campus and has a journalism school. Miami is more expensive though.</p>

<p>OU has a very good journalism school. Based on your stats, you would be eligible for some merit money as well. [The</a> Gateway Award Program: Ohio University Admissions](<a href=“]The”></p>

<p>Let me just tell you something to get out of your head now, every school is essentially a “party” school. And living in Ohio as well I can tell you right now that all the schools you named have a party scene. It is YOUR choice whether or not to be apart of it, but you can still conduct your studies.
With that being said, definitely go with Ohio University. Scripps School of Journalism is the the third best in the COUNTRY. They have the resources to get you the jobs and internships in the journalism field that you need and they will prepare you well. It is probably the university’s most prestigious program and is difficult to get into. But you sound like a smart hardworking student, so I’m sure you’ll have no problems</p>