Hey CC, I’m going to try to keep this clean and compact since I find myself groaning at overly detailed chance posts. Keep in mind there are details being left out.
Rising Senior:
SAT I - 2330 One sitting: 800M 800W 730CR
SAT II - Math 2: 800
Biology: 800
GPA UW - 3.89 No class rank
APs - World History: 5
Environmental (Self-Studied): 4
Biology: 5
Computer Science: 5
Calc BC (Skipped a year of math): 5
USH: 4
English Language: 5
Human Geography (Self-Studied): 5
Awards: National AP Scholar
National Merit Scholarship Finalist
EC: Editor-in-Chief of Yearbook, 11th and 12th
President of Mock Trial, 12th
President of my Grade’s Student Gov, 10th 11th 12th
President of entire school, 12th
Founder / President of a club dedicated to a disorder that my family is affected by
Speaker at various schools, universities about said disorder
Founder of a charity in support of said disorder, worked closely with some celebrities for the cause
Summer 2014 took Precalc & Calc AB over the summer
Summer 2015 went to UPenn summer program
Recs: Teacher rec from Calc BC teacher (I was only junior in his class, we have a good relationship)
Supp rec from Mock trial coach, great friend of mine
Good relationship with guidance counselor. All good, blah blah.
Notes: Note that my GPA is weighed down only by 8th and 9th grade (I took 3 classes in 8th grade that counted), and in 10th and 11th I’ve only one A minus and the rest As (no A+ in my school).
White, male, come from somewhere between a mildly and very privileged area, high income
No legacy at any schools I’m looking at.
Looking for your recommendation on my ED application and any other schools you think I should apply to, thanks!
Hey man! Good to see a fellow Mock Trialer on the site. I can chance you for the schools that you have listed so far. Since you kept your post short, I’ll keep my response short. Your academic credentials are perfectly competitive for either of the schools, and ec’s are very good (of course I’m a bit biased as a fellow president of a Mock Trial team
). Personally, I would need to know what major/career you are interested in to give a final recommendation, but I don’t think you could go wrong with either of them. I know that Penn ED is a bit easier than Yale SCEA in terms of percent admission (me, I’m applying to Penn ED CAS (and luckily I have legacy)), but for you since you don’t, I don’t think you could wrong with either. Please chance me back! http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1798056-ive-been-having-really-bad-anxiety-lately-help-ground-me-by-chancing-ivies-ucs-etc.html#latest Good luck!
@jarrett211 Thanks! I’m extremely torn between politics, computer science, and finance. Serious crisis, my ideal dream job is politics (but can’t be sure of success in the field and the pay isn’t great for a long time) and the job that would make my family happy is finance (big connections in the hedge fund industry…) and then I also feel like I owe computer science a shot because I have a serious skill for math, it’s just always been natural for me. I took Precalc and Calc AB simultaneously in 6 weeks over the summer with a 100 average. Having a crisis.
@Plz2Halp Well, in my honest opinion. Here’s what I think you should do. I know absolutely nothing about computer science, so I unfortunately can’t help you there. Nor do I know which school is superior for it. For finance, I would have to say Penn (Wharton trumps anything when it comes to anything business-related, but it’s extremely hard to get into, so that would be risky). Politics seems like your ideal choice. I wouldn’t worry too much about making money. Making money doesn’t equal happiness, necessarily. I would completely recommend studying Political Science in college so that you come out the most fulfilled. (I plan on majoring in philosophy, politics, and economics (PPE) at Penn if I got in, which may not be the greatest guarantor of money, but I’m passionate about it). Both Penn and Yale are extremely strong when it comes to Political Science. (Yale most likely has the edge, but UPenn is on an upward trend and is increasingly investing in Politics). It’s a tough choice to decide the college. You couldn’t go wrong with either in my opinion, but my recommendation would be to study political science in college to whichever one you go to.
Thank you for your advice. What state are you in? Maybe we’ll face off in mock one day haha
@Plz2Halp I doubt we’d face off, but if you’re curious I’m from Massachusetts, so the only way we’d see each other is if we both made nationals (which unfortunately for me leading a team entering a rebuild, would be highly unlikely, but yeah that would be awesome).