Hi I am an international Canadian grade 11 student who is thinking about going to UCLA in order to take some summer courses there. I want to go into Electrical Engineering/Computer Engineering/Computer Science, but most likely a focus on software.
I have course conflicts for the times, so I want help prioritizing the courses I should take.
For your information, I have completed Math IB SL, which is similar to that of AP Calc AB. I have not done any physics involving electricity in over a year.
CS31- MW 8am-9:50am
COMPTNG10A- MTWTh 11am-11:50am
Math 32A- MTW 9am-10:50am
EL ENGR3- T 10am-12:30pm
World Politics 20- MW 10:45am-12:50pm
- Can someone rank the importance of the courses I have listed for a computer science or computer science and engineering major (excluding world politics)?
- If CS31 and Math 32A have a conflict, which one would guys recommend that I take in order to make myself look more attractive to universities?
- How hard is it to take CS31 and Math 32A if some of each class will be at the same time? Is it doable or even allowed?
Note: I plan on learning computer science a lot on my own, and taking the AP Calc BC exam and AP Computer Science A exam at the end of grade 12.
Choose between cs31 and pic 10a. If you take those don’t take ap comps sci because they are the same thing. Cs31 is way harder than pic 10a but it’s for CS majors. Math 32a while only requiring Calc 1 (math 31a) (ap Calc ab) as a pre req that’s not advised. Everyone who takes it at UCLA went through the 31a and 31b sequence for the most part and know all the methods of integration that appear. Also don’t take EE3. I says intro but it’s not really intro. I’m a EE major and we take that sophomore year. After taking the engineering physics series 1a 1B and 1c in addition to labs 4AL and 4bl plus math 31a 31b 32a and 32b. You’ll be at a big disadvantage. Physics 1a mechanics uses some multivaribale Calc as well as Taylor series expansions learned in calc bc. Physics 1B electricity and oscillations uses some differential equations. 1c uses dif q extensively and is magnetism plus modern physics. Also a lot of EEs take EE3 after cs32 so their programming skills are pretty solid by then. You’re taking a full academic course load based on your list. Summer is already faster than normal and since it’s your first really only do 1 maybe 2 classes. You’ll be surprised. Not trying to discourage you just offering advice as a current engineering student.