choosing possible majors--strongest or the most interested?

<p>Is choosing a field that is not my strongest area in high school considered a disadvantage in the admissions process? </p>

<p>For example, most of my awards were in physics, but I really want to try something new in college, bioengineering for instance. However, I do not have awards in biology, neither was one of my SAT2s a biology. But I'm confident I can do as well in a new area as I did in physics in high school, and I just like to try something new.</p>

<p>Will choosing a field that is not my strongest area in high school in some way be negative to or malpresent me in the admissions process? or is presenting my strongest aspect and choosing a concentration related to that aspect a better choice? </p>

<p>Thanks for any advice:)</p>

<p>They ignore your intended major. Most people change.</p>