<p>I need to decide what subject tests to take, and I'm really torn. The colleges that I want to go to do not require more than two, but I feel that I will be at a disadvantage in only taking two because so many students take three. Then, I also need to decide what subjects to take. I'm pretty sure I'm taking Math II because I'm in calc so that should be a breeze. The others I am thinking about are eng, chem, french, and bio. I've taken a practice test for each and I did the best on english (but still not well, something like 650). I'm in honors chem, ap english, french 4, and took honors bio last year (but remember at a lot). I'm planning on studying environmental science in college. So my questions are:
1) Should I take two or three tests?
2) Which should I take for my intended major (and preferably easiest to get a high score)?
Also, I'm planning on doing this in May, so I have a limited amount of time to prepare.
Thanks for any advice you can give!!</p>
<p>Have you taken the SAT I yet and know those scores? If you do and you have lopsided scores, you may want to choose a subject test to counter the effect of a lower SAT I section. Just another strategy to consider, if applicable.</p>
<p>I just took it on Saturday, so I won’t know the scores before I choose… Unless you can change them after you’ve registered? My estimated scores, though are mid 700’s for math and writing, and low 700s to high 600s for reading (this is about what i’ve been getting on the practice tests).</p>
<p>You should take 3 and take ones for subjects you have taken most recently or at AP level.</p>
<p>You can take whichever tests you want when you show up regardless of which ones you signed up for.</p>
<p>You can also take more tests (up to the three max) than you’ve originally signed up for, and the College Board will bill you for the extra.</p>
<p>Thanks for the help! That makes it a bit easier. I read though that you might not get to take a different test because they might not have extras?
So if I take three, I am thinking math II, english (taking ap right now), and chem (for envr sci major). Are these doable in 6 weeks?</p>
<p>Yeah that sounds good. Don’t think you’ll do well on Math II just cuz your in Calc though, it covers some stuff like vectors that aren’t really used in Calc.</p>
<p>At least when I took my Math II test, all the tests were in one booklet and you could just open it to whichever test you wanted.</p>
<p>That’s good about the book then.
Thanks for the Math II advice! Luckily I did a practice test, so I did realize that. I will definitely be reviewing!!
Unfortunately I haven’t taken physics so that’s not really an option for me. So I guess since you can choose to take another test once you get there, it might be advisable to only sign up for two so if I’m not fully prepared for a third, it’s not the end of the world.</p>