<p>I am currently choosing between one of these three accredited schools:</p>
<p>-Dakota State University - B.S. in Computer and Network Security OR B.S. in Computer Science</p>
<p>-Regis University - B.S. in Computer Networking OR B.S. in Computer Science (ABET Accreditation)</p>
<p>-Penn State University - B.S. in Information Sciences and Technology</p>
<p>I really love Computer and Network Security / Computer Networking, however, I'm wondering whether a traditional Computer Science program will go in-depth about Computer & Network security as much as a Bachelors degree specifically in it would. Please provide your insight.</p>
<p>Thank you</p>
<p>Probably yes. But whether it makes a difference is a different question. Also, just because a school does not offer the degree notation does not mean you can’t take the equivalent classes.</p>
<p>I’m guessing a big thing in the near future is a combination of database and network security - how to combine the two to make the database more secure. If you focus on just networking, you might miss out on basic database skills.</p>
<p>Hello OperaDad, </p>
<p>Thank you very much for the response. I absolutely agree with you. Database skills and learning the foundation of things before getting into the security aspect is very important. Below are the two programs I’ve narrowed it down to. As you can see from the course list, Dakota State University’s program goes into depth about Databases and SQL, whereas Penn State doesn’t seem to. (If you can confirm that)</p>
<p>I’ve pretty much narrowed it down between these two programs:</p>
<p>Pennsylvania State University’s - Bachelor of Science in Security and Risk Analysis - Information and Cyber Security Option (Course List): [Penn</a> State | Online Bachelor of Security and Risk Analysis | Course List](<a href=“http://www.worldcampus.psu.edu/degrees-and-certificates/security-and-risk-analysis-bachelors/course-list]Penn”>http://www.worldcampus.psu.edu/degrees-and-certificates/security-and-risk-analysis-bachelors/course-list)</p>
<p>Dakota State University’s - Computer and Network Security (Course List): [Program:</a> Computer and Network Security, B.S. - Dakota State University - Acalog ACMS?](<a href=“http://catalog.dsu.edu/preview_program.php?poid=567]Program:”>http://catalog.dsu.edu/preview_program.php?poid=567)</p>
<p>My primary interests: Computer and Network Security, Privacy, and Data/Information Assurance. And to be honest, I am not looking to get a job based solely off this degree - I am using it as a stepping stone to land an internship, then following up with a Master’s Degree. If you could please let me know which program you believe better suits what I am looking for.</p>
<p>Your post is a little premature. Seems like you have narrowed your interests/schools. Apply to both. If you get into both, or happen to be in the area, visit the schools.</p>
<p>BTW: If your goal is a masters degree, then see which programs have good placement into masters programs that you are interested in.</p>