Choosing the BEST answer on the writing sections

<p>This is one of those instances where judgement is a huge part in the question..</p>

<p>IN SIMILARITY WITH some other great works, the enduring horror tale Frankenstein was first published anonymously: its author, Mary Shelley, wrote the novel when she was not quiet nineteen years old. </p>

<p>A) In similarity with
B) As
C) Like what happened with
D) Like the case with
E) Like</p>

<p>I could literally only eliminate C of the bat. Everything else basically works. I guessed correctely with E, but I wanna know why the other answers arent as good as "Like". </p>

<p>Thanks for the help.</p>

<p>The phrase at the beginning before the comma (“[Like] some other great works, . . .”) modifies, or describes, the subject of the main clause. The subject is the noun at the beginning of the main clause:

This means that the phrase at the beginning ending with a comma DESCRIBES “the enduring horror tale Frankenstein.” So if we see “Like some other great works, the enduring horror tale Frankenstein . . .” we automatically can say “the enduring horror tale Frankenstein IS LIKE SOME OTHER GREAT WORKS.” This makes sense: if X is like Y, then X is similar to Y.</p>

<p>Now, here is an evaluation of the wrong answer choices:

IMPLICATION: The . . . tale . . . is in similarity with some other great works.
WHY IT’S WRONG: It’s too wordy. “X is similar to Y” or “X is like Y” sounds much better than “X is in similarity with Y.”

IMPLICATION: The . . . tale . . . is as some other great works.
WHY IT’S WRONG: You don’t say “X is as Y.” It should be “X is like Y.”

IMPLICATION: The . . . tale . . . is like what happened with some other great works.
WHY IT’S WRONG: The sentence is saying that the “tale” is like “what happened with some other great works.” In this case, you can’t compare a book to an event (what happened); you can only compare a book to a book.

IMPLICATION: The . . . tale . . . is like the case with some other great works.
WHY IT’S WRONG: You can’t compare a “tale” to “the case with some other great works.”</p>

CORRECT: An apple is like an orange. Like an orange, an apple is very nutritious.
CORRECT: An apple is similar to an orange. Similar to an orange, an apple is very nutritious.
INCORRECT: An apple is as an orange. As an orange, the apple is very nutritious.
INCORRECT: An apple is similar to how I ate the orange. Similar to how I ate the orange, an apple is very nutritious.</p>

<p>You’re the best!! Thanks a ton.</p>