Choosing the right college [CS: UGA full tuition scholarship, UMD President scholarship; UGA is $30k/year less]

Hi There, I am a Georgia resident and Highschool senior. I am interested in computer science major. I got accepted at UGA with full tuition scholarship and UMD with President scholarship with admission to their FIRE program. I am bit confused, which one to choose. Looking for advice.

how much is that scholarship so what’s the approx cost difference?

UMD is known to be very strong in CS, as far as I know, and I think UGA is still building their CS and Engineering departments.

Being in the FIRE program seems like a nice opportunity that would build your CV and networking.

I am a big fan of UGA (based on very little experience but there is a good chance my kid is a freshman there this fall), but if the price difference is not that big, it might be worth paying a bit more for what UMD’s CS dept and FIRE can provide you.

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UMD is the better school but it’s CS and you’ll still find jobs from UGA.

Ask the UGA CS department for a career outcome report - so you can see salary and companies. See if they are up to snuff. UMD publishes a report but you can ask them for further info too.

It’s hard for a smart GA resident to leave the state - they “buy” you in.

When you see salaries look at where people are working. DC costs a lot more to live than Atlanta…for example.

Best of luck.

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I would end up paying around $30,000 more for UMD than UGA after the scholarship. I am not sure if it is worth going to UMD.

I would end up paying $30,000 more than UGA after the scholarship. I am not sure if it is worth going to UMD

$30K a year or over four years.

$30K total - likely worth it…if you can do without loans.

But UGA is a fine school - so if that’s what you want.

I’m not a huge rank guy - but UMD is #14 in the Brown open report another poster just posted and UGA is more than 100 spots lower. Doesn’t mean you can’t be equally successful though but it shows you the respect UMD has.

computer science open rankings (

30k every year.

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How much difference does the $30k per year make to you and your family?

A student who needs to take that much in loans is in a different situation from a student from a plutocrat family who sees that amount as pocket change.

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Probably off-topic for this OP, but I don’t consider the Hope/Zell scholarships as buying in. GA is supporting its residents and retaining home-state academic talent.

IMO buying in would apply to schools that offer a lot of free tuition/rides to OOS students. I know you were being hyperbolic but think it didn’t quite fit this scenario… :grinning:


Yes, I’m saying it would be hard for a Ga or Fl student to leave the state if they were tippy top.

It happens - like when the kid gets a full COA @DramaMama2021 :slight_smile:

But it’s hard.

In business - you can retain or you can conquest. Retaining is easier!! UGA, and the entire state, would love to keep a student like this from leaving!!

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That’s 120K - where would the money come from? (college funds? parents’ retirement savings? loans?)

What about GTech?

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GTech waiting

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