Choosing the right college for math.

<p>I am really excited to get offers, but at the same time quite nervous as I have to choose which school to attend.</p>

<p>So far I got an offer at:</p>

Cambridge University (Magdalene College)</p>

<p>I want to study math. Which one would be the best?
To clarify, I am just curious what other people think about these schools in terms of their prestige in math.</p>

<p>Some of the other schools I applied for, but am not sure if I will get in or not (but would appreciate comments about math at that school):</p>


<p>They’re all great schools although Yale is a bit further down the list in terms of Math. It’s still absolutely marvelous. You’ll have to choose based on a myriad of prospects, including financial aid, research opportunities, prestige (if you care about that), social life, etc. In the end, it all depends on you. You should do some more research instead of asking a bunch of high school kids their favorite college basically.</p>