Chose Bama over TX...mistake?

<p>I was admitted to both the University of Alabama and the University of Texas at Austin. Alabama's scholarship offer was so generous that I'd end up paying just $4,000 a year or so to attend. Texas offered me the scholarship of being able to pay in-state tuition plus a scholarship of $1,000 a year (total cost = about $18,000 a year). I chose Bama, but everyone I know talked up UT so much and said I made a big mistake that now I'm second-guessing my decision. I understand that UT is more prestigious, but is it so superior to Alabama that I've really put myself in a hole in terms of grad school admission and further employment? Will a strong GPA from a school like Bama hold any weight when I apply for graduate education?</p>

<p>id pick bama over texas. u just cant get as much personal attention at ut, with its massive size. plus bamas just a lot friendlier to me.</p>

<p>Well, like I said in your earlier thread, Alabama is not Texas and Michigan, yes, but it certainly isn't North South Podunk State, as the prevailing opinion on this forum would make it out to be. If you excel at any undergraduate program, you have a good chance of being admitted to the best grad schools (much like if you excel at even the most destitute high school, you can get into the top colleges). </p>

<p>Add in that you got a better scholarship from Alabama, and I think you made a wise decision. I mean, will it really be easier to pay off $72,000 with a job from a name-brand company than $16,000 from a not-so-well known corporation when both jobs pay the similar salaries?</p>