Christianity In Berkeley among Asians

<p>Don Quixote - maybe my wording wasn’t too great. I don’t think they’re freakish or anything. It’s just that the act of trying to convert someone else to your own religion annoys me. And if someone really was my best friend, I would hope that they know me well enough to understand that I would be interested in learning about his religion, but not so much that I would be willing to be subjected to him lecturing me about how I should change my ways. </p>

<p>I guess what I said doesn’t make much sense, if you apply it to people who believe that one of the principles of their religion is to convert others, and that this is how one can help others to achieve happiness. It really is a good thing that they want others to be happy, and how can one fault them for it? I think I draw the line when people go from simply wanting others to lead a good life (and letting them go if they do not want to change their lifestyle), to disrespecting (it is disrespectful to me, at least) how other people live by pushing that if they do not live according to some religion, they will go to hell. Isn’t that what causes many of the problems in the world? A group of people believe that they have the right answer and the right opinion, and they go upon the world trying to do “good”, but end up causing more harm than good. With imperialism, religion (among other things) was a major excuse to go into unexplored land. Hitler believe that his race was superior. In Congress, a lot of times, it is the moderates who push for compromise in order to get anything done. </p>

<p>I’m wonder what will happen to my own beliefs during college. In high school, I have had many religious friends - all different denominations of Christianity, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist - and no one has ever questioned my own atheism. We have been conversations on theology, and some light debate on the purpose of religion, but no one has used religion to try to change others. I hope that my college experience - and everyone other person’s - is one that involves encountering, and having to deal with, people from backgrounds that are completely different than theirs.</p>

<p>Dragon, I really appreciate your reply.</p>

<p>I am just tired of people trying to convert me from the side. Instead of just saying: “I want to convert you because I want to save your soul from eternal damnation,” the older and more well-spoken Christians would say: “Well, my religion believes…” or “God created the world so…” Christianity is a social movement, perhaps a spiritual movement that is panned toward recruiting more and more people. It is certainly the most popular religion out there now. What I find ridiculous is how many levels of religiousness there are. I recently heard this Berkeley graduated student say: “Well, I am a Christian but not a practicing one.” </p>

<p>I still believe incoming students, particularly Asian, should be alarmed. This movement became very strong 20 years ago, according to my friend who attended Berkeley about two decades ago. She mentioned how some extreme religious groups would make goals such as “this week, each of us will try to bring five to fifteen people to our meetings.” I really agree with you on the idea of just searching for oneself. Instead of following your whole ideals on a little hypocritical black book, follow your own heart and seek out what is right.</p>

<p>That some religous groups 20 years ago had aggressive recruitment goals, does not mean that all christian groups are fair game for your unfettered bashing. </p>

<p>I am always amazed has how intolerant atheist liberals can be.</p>

<p>Clear my mind, I’m sorry to say but you have a less than basic understanding of religion and it’s validity. I suggest taking a philosophy class on the topic once in Berkeley.</p>

<p>And no, I am not a Christian.</p>

<p>Toad, I’m as tolerant as the people who said I will be in hell because I don’t believe in their God. DougK, go read God Is Not Great.</p>

<p>^ I did not like that book too much. Dad give me The God Delusion as a birthday present for my 12th birthday and well the rest is history lol. </p>

<p>One another note, is the South Asian population this in your face as well?</p>

<p>Dear Clear my mind,</p>

<p>I’ll be a little more specific. Your problem seems to be with religious culture rather than religion itself. I’ll give you an example:</p>

<p>Islamic culture: stone women
Islamic religion: does not validate stoning women</p>

<p>Now, you’d probably reject Islam because your train of thought would be “I read news stories of Muslims stoning their daughters so I won’t become a Muslim.” That’s not good logic.</p>

<p>For the record, I am an Atheist but my biggest pet peeve is meeting people who think they hold great truth about religious studies when in fact, they don’t know jack.</p>

<p>I like how everyone agreed to let this topic die a month ago and I just merely wanted to lighten up the mood … and then everything 'sploded again like a michael bay film.</p>

<p>The Mer ur dad is preety awsome for giving you such a book. Sucks it had to be your bday present…</p>

<p>haha it turned out well in the end. bill maher is the new dawkins. americans have better humour than oxford scientists. </p>

<p>though dawkins does have a pretty hot wife.</p>

<p>DougK, I believe religion serves the purpose of teaching good values. However, many of the conflicts are caused by religious cultures, sometimes within a single religion. You say that I do not know anything about religion, *** do you even know about me? I probably know more about religion than you because I practiced “Buddhism” and “Christianity.” I have attended more religious meetings and studies than you have. I have done research on the Holy Wars that greatly involved the different interpretation of bible and “God’s messages.” In a way I really do not care what religion in its purest form is… The presentations of the religious teachings are the cause and effect.</p>

<p>So stop attacking me because I have a dislike for religion. If religion is so pure and fine as you imply it to be, then there shouldn’t even be so much religious bs. Stop telling me what I did to do because you need to pull your head out of your own ass first.</p>

<p>OMG I LOVE BILL MAHER!!! He is so awesome. I can’t wait to watch his documentary about religion! To me, he is truly a free spirit. Batman its all your fault! You should watch “Deliver Us From Evil,” its a great documentary. Do you guys know about this documentary called Jesus Camp? It’s about all these kids at this Christian Camp being mind washed or something like that…</p>

<p>As much of an atheist as I am though, I think religion is indispensible to some people. Conflict is an inherent part of mankind. If you take away religion - there is still going to be terrorism and wars. If you keep religion - here is still going to be terrorism and wars.</p>

<p>Besides athesits are usually the intellectual elite and Clear my mind - wouldn’t you like to remain part of that elite group? If some people gain happiness and fulfillment by talking to the clouds - let them. </p>

<p>Live and let live :slight_smile: Is my philosophy. </p>

<p>Yeah Bill Maher and Religulous rocks lol!</p>

<p>O man I wish I can meet more people like you in Berkeley… I am going to be so lonely and neglected in the big school. I wouldn’t even be surprised if I get mind freaked by the Christian community and eventually become another member of the movement. OMG I AM WATCHING RELIGULOUS TONIGHT!!! By the way you should search the internet for farting evangelist videos, they are hilarious.</p>

<p>Dude I am in a 90% Christian School lol - in an Asian country so you can imagine. Lol yes I have watched farting preachers haha. First time when I was 11 actually. Stephen Colbert and Family Guy are also hilarious - especially their mormon jokes. </p>

<p>you would have never thought there were so many like-minded people outside usa lol.</p>

<p>frankly many americans r stupid lol. im sorry but it’s a fact. but it’s ppl like seth, stephen, bill etc… who save your country’s reputation lol</p>

<p>can’t wait to get to berkeley here too. class of 014 international - applying this fall.</p>