CHSPEE or graduate??? Transfer Ideas??

I’m currently a junior in hs. I used to have a pretty good GPA and was doing well in school, but I moved from private to public and all the way from LA to NY in the middle of the year while dealing with family stuff and my grades have gone down. I used to have high standards for a university, but I haven’t been able to focus on schoolwork at all and don’t think that’s a possibility anymore. I skipped two grades, so I am turning 16 the summer before senior year. Because of all that is going on, I’m thinking about not doing senior year and getting my CHSPEE/GED instead and then going to community college next year instead of waiting to graduate and then having to go to community college anyway. I would like to also do a gap year in Israel (possibly Bar Illan or seminary) and then transfer to a university back in the US. Would getting my CHSPEE and not a diploma be harmful in anyway and would I be able to transfer from Bar Ilan to a university (like UCSD, Cal State, etc) be possible?