<p>So now that S is a junior, the college planning phase is grudgingly underway. The criteria is starting to sound like this: S wants to be in an urban environment with a vibrant music scene. He has an amazing ear and is intrigued with production, and he's really taken to the coding classes he's taking this year. He's also an accomplished jazz drummer (has been playing and working with a private instructor since he was 8). </p>
<p>We're wondering what schools to add to his list. We're in Ohio if that helps identify a state school that meets his criteria. OSU? UCinci?</p>
<p>ANY help would be appreciated in helping him find his "trifecta" of urban/drumset/production criteria.</p>
<p>What type of degree does he want? If you’re looking for an urban setting with a vibrant music scene I’d suggest looking at schools in Chicago. I’m sending you a PM.</p>
<p>CCM (Cincinnati) has some interesting music production options and I’ve found people there to be very approachable and helpful when making inquiries.</p>
<p>He is 50-50 between wanting to pursue a performance degree or an audio production/engineering degree. That’s why finding a school that offers both would be ideal. Belmont has a combo program, and this weekend we read about the Music & Technology major at Carnegie Mellon. That sounds interesting as well. </p>
<p>He has a really good ear, self taught on piano and guitar. He’s one of those people who can hear a song on the radio and then go home and figure out how to play it on piano within a half hour. It’s really annoying. ;-)</p>
<p>@Mezzo We looked into some Chicago schools and they look interesting.</p>
<p>@Jeannemar CCM would be awesome since it’s in-state tuition. Will look into that as well!</p>
<p>Hi MovesLC
How strong is his programming and has he applied any of it to music at this point? And does he compose at all? Are his GPA and stats strong?</p>
<p>I can’t tell from your post if this would suit, but did you have a peek at NYU Tisch’s Clive Davis Recording Arts program? Expensive, but maybe worth a look if he’s serious about the production side. That one would certainly fit the “urban” part of the bill.</p>
<p>Chicago would be a fab city for a drum set guy too but a few years ago when we looked, my son didn’t find hybrid programs to suit the combo of production/composition and performance he was seeking. Eg. northwestern had un-funded or dropped its music technology program at that time. We do know a jazz guy who super enjoyed Columbia. </p>
<p>My last suggestion isn’t exactly a fit in terms of city size, but I’d hate for you not to at least take a peek, because the programming opportunity coupled with percussion strength and production classes really is a trifecta in terms of your son’s interests. The Unversity of Michigan’s SOM has a jazz improv program and strong percussion dpt, but also has a hybrid production program called PAT (performing arts technology) that offers a BM or BFA or a BS in Engineering. Its a heavy portfolio admit that requires evidence of programming and production prowess, plus composition, plus either a live audition or recorded and produced audition on your instrument.</p>
<p>The bonus is that for someone who is also interested in programming, its possible to dual degree in Engineering (especially in curriculum D) and there are myriad opportunities to blend programming skills to the service of the arts. I suspect your son would find himself enjoying his jazz-techie peers…I know mine did 
Here’s a link to have a read: <a href=“http://www.music.umich.edu/departments/pat/programs.htm”>http://www.music.umich.edu/departments/pat/programs.htm</a></p>