<p>Hey, does anyone know the proper way to cite a specific idea in an essay? I used a phrase which paraphrased another writer's idea, which added a new nuance to my original idea saying "these books are not this, but rather this". Should I cite the source in the text even though the words are not the same? I included the author in my works consulted list...I wouldn't sweat it, but this idea is crucial to my essay, so I want to give due credit, and this is basically the culminating assingment of my highschool career.</p>
<p>YES, cite the source in the text. If you don’t, and you use their idea, even reworded, it is plagerism. You absolutely NEED to cite it in the text, there is no way around this. This can either be down with parenthetical citations or by saying “(authors name) has this to say” or “according to (authors name),” etc. And even when you cite something you still have to reword unless it is a direct quote.</p>
<p>yes go online and check ‘chicago style citations’</p>