<p>I applied as OOS to UT Austin and got denied admission (for various reasons i would get in state tuition there). However, i just realized that for the past year, my mother has co-owned a house in texas (an inheritance). Knowing this, can I a) reapply as a texas resident, even though we live in Michigan? And b) would it help me at all if i decide to transfer? Ive heard its very hard for OOS students to get accepted to UT Austin.</p>
<p>Also, if by any miracle it matters, my parents lived in Texas for several years (i was born there), but we currently reside in Michigan.</p>
<p>Each college has its own rules (maddeningly, even colleges within the same state may have different qualification levels). Rather than guess, you should go to UT’s website and research on your own. It’ll be clearly spelled out.</p>
<p>They’re both right. Realistically, no public university that people actually want to go to from out of state is going to have a residency policy that lax.</p>
<p>“To establish domicile, you or your parent(s) must meet the following criteria:
1.Live in Texas for 12 consecutive months; and
2.Establish and maintain domicile for 12 consecutive months by doing one of the following: Be gainfully employed in Texas (Student jobs do not qualify as gainful employment.) Sole or joint marital ownership of residential real property in Texas by the person seeking to enroll or the dependent’s parent, having established and maintained a domicile at the residence Own and operate a business in Texas Be married for one year to a person who has established domicile in Texas”</p>