Clam fart! Oh my God... What did I do?!

Now I don’t feel so bad about my typo…
Congrats to the OP (although this is five years later…)!</p>

<p>Very original I must say…</p>

<p>Best Scene of the Scenario : #159 undoubtably</p>

<p>So this came up again… xDDDD</p>

<p>Very funny</p>

<p>this thread is still going strong</p>

<p>Are y’all kidding? This thread is never going to die.</p>

<p>clam fart</p>

<p>Def putting Oyster Vomit on my application. </p>

<p>This part cracked me up:
<strong>Practicing clam fart techniques for the last 17 years has been extremely rewarding; it has provided substantial socioeconomic stability for my family and I, in addition to being a rather enjoyable pastime. When I asked myself, “What is the epitome of a Yale student?,” I answered “Clam fart.” I can only hope that you answer the same.</strong>
:stuck_out_tongue: </p>

<p>I fear that Yale will soon see an abundance of clam farting high schoolers. :/</p>

<p>Bump for all our 2015ers</p>

<p>2015!!! Yayy!! </p>

<p>thank you. thank you for bumping this. whenever things on this site get too serious i’m just going to think of this post ahahahahaha </p>

<p>I haven’t laughed this much in so long. #clamfart4eva</p>