Clam fart! Oh my God... What did I do?!

<p>hahahaha thank you, this made my day :smiley:
your story is amazing!!</p>

1 Like

<p>I have a theory that the news of this thread reached Yale’s admission officers, and so they decided to overlook the “clam fart”.</p>

<p>Lollllll xd</p>

<p>Lmaoo this is mad old but this is the best thread EVER!</p>

<p>Anything is possible now =)</p>

<p>bumping as a pick me up for the stressing hs’12 parents.</p>

<p>LOL I think I would view you in a better light just for that, if I was an admissions officer. xD</p>

<p>Bumping this awesome thread :D</p>

<p>A well deserved bump, I’m dying!</p>

<p>This is just awesome. Does anyone know whether SillBill got into Yale?</p>

<p>I <3 this thread.</p>

<p>Bravo Sillbill, you are a hero for every generation. Also, could everyone check out google and look up clam fart? Its on urban dictionary and everything now</p>

<p>Just read The Neurotic Parent’s Guide report that this is a legit post and the student was indeed admitted. She spoke herself with the admissions office. Love this thread. Well deserved bump.</p>

<p>Discovered this today (linked in another thread) and read all of it! Procrastinating my own EA app… but this is so great, resurrecting it for stressed EA/ED people :slight_smile: SillBill is my hero, I only wish I showed that much dedication to an EC lol</p>

<p>I would like to start a clam fart group at my high school. Is there a national organization that governs clam farts?</p>

<p>I wonder what SillBill is doing now that he has likely graduated from Yale? Perhaps he has become a professional clam farter.</p>

<p>I just died!!!</p>

<p>holy crap, you should put this on *** haha.
just call them up, explain what happened, and do it all with a good sense of humor! they’ll like you more for it!</p>

<p>LOL. wow. great story :). Bump.</p>

<p>Funniest thing that I’ve read all day.</p>

<p>To those of you who haven’t read, he got in. :)</p>

<p>^ wow really?! :smiley: aww I’m happy for him!</p>

<p>and rereading for a laugh. clam fart hahaha</p>

<p>This was really funny!! I loved it!</p>