<p>@Transfer014- I’m just down to Amherst, Pomona, CMC, and Stanford. So, yeah- I’ll be completely blown away if I receive any more acceptance letters! The odds at each of my final four are simply ridiculous. Ah, sad day.
Lol, but you’re right- USC is nothing to scoff at. It’s an absolutely beautiful school, and the school spirit is CRAZY! I could definitely enjoy being a part of something like that. I just hope that, no matter where I end up, I can carve out a place for myself and feel like a part of the group, despite my non-traditional status and the fact that I’ll be raising children on a college campus. </p>
<p>I thought about applying to some of the schools that have programs specifically for students like me (actually, I DID apply to one of them- Columbia’s GS program, for non-traditionals- I was accepted, but their financial aid is awful). Unfortunately, during app season I was unaware of just how many great programs there were for students like me; I didn’t find out about most of them until I received some advice on the Parents’ forum (which is a fantastic place, btw, if you ever need help or advice in any way- they’re wonderful, very knowledgeable people- I highly recommend at least cruising by the forum every once in awhile!), but I’m not sure it would have mattered. I came into this whole process with the attitude that I wanted to see how I measured up to everyone else, the “normal” students. I didn’t want “special treatment,” you know? A lot of people have told me that’s silly and those programs would really be a good fit for me, or even that I’ll be “sorry” (jerks
) but it’s just something about my point of view that I can’t easily change…I felt like a cheater when I got my GS acceptance, too.</p>
<p>Kinda got off on a tangent there, lol, in any case, it sounds like Scripps hold a great deal of appeal to you; I’m focusing all of my positive energy on envisioning your acceptance!!
I really hope you make it in. What about the other two? I don’t know much about Wellesley and Bryn Mawr- Will you be equally or almost equally excited to be accepted to either of them as you would be to get into Scripps?</p>
<p>I’m applying to transfer because I’m at a community college right now, graduating in a week…or something…shoot, I need to check on that, lol, it would be just my luck to miss my own graduation… hahaha
Point being, I have to transfer no matter what, so that’s what started this circus of stomach ulcers. Sounds like you’re at a 4 year, though. Can I ask which one? And why you decided you wanted to leave?</p>